There is always room for an extra table or two that will add practical value and extra style to your living space. A small table in the hallway is handy for dropping off the mail and other stuff you’re loaded down with when you enter. It may get over-cluttered, but it’s the first place to look when you can’t find your keys, sunglasses and lost glove. In the living room every seat should have a tabletop within reach to hold a cup of tea or drink. It may seem excessive but think about the place you choose to sit when you enter your room or are visiting a friend. Have you got a spot in your home that would be more welcoming with the addition of a small table?
Here’s an old table that looked the worse for wear. The original finish has been worn away on the top. But there’s a shelf to hold books and magazines and the carved arches along the skirt make a lovely detail. To transform this piece into a table perfect for the bright corner of her living room, Loree Pringle of Homestead House Paint Co. has a recipe for success. The paint product Loree uses is Fusion Mineral Paint. We are all familiar with chalk type paints that have risen in popularity over the past few years. With little prep work required and the ability to cover most surfaces without having to apply a primer, they were a DIYers’ delight. Fusion Mineral Paint is a new formulation that is manufactured with the highest quality, finely ground, natural mineral pigments. It’s naturally UV resistant and colour will not fade. Unlike chalk paints, Fusion Mineral Paint is not porous, which means that it is waterproof and stain proof without the addition of a topcoat.
Here are Loree’s steps and tips for finishing the table. You cannot paint over dirt or wax, so begin by cleaning with TSP. This tabletop was worn down to raw wood, which absorbs water, so wait a day after cleaning for it to dry thoroughly before painting. Then a light sanding to remove any old paint flakes so the surface is smooth. Paint colours are from Fusion Mineral Paint’s Classic Collection. The top and skirt are painted with Bayberry. The pointed sash brush Loree uses is one in a series of European style paintbrushes manufactured by Staalmeester. The shape of the bristles makes getting into edges and indentations easy and gives a very smooth finish. The legs are painted with Bedford moving from the top to the bottom. Tip the table to get at the bottom edges of the legs. Finish with more Bayberry on the shelf. Fusion dries very quickly so don’t try to rework an area that you have finished or you’ll get brush strokes. A thin coat of paint is always best. You can always add a second coat if necessary for a smooth finish. Let dry for an hour. To add some definition to the arches, Fusion Black Wax was applied lightly under the arches with a round brush, removing most of the wax onto a paper towel first. You just need a very small amount. Apply with a swirling, stippling motion. And you are done!
Loree has a delightful spot to relax by a sunny window with views of her garden. The combination of beige/gray Bedford and light olive Bayberry echo the tree shades and rest stylishly beside a comfy settee.
Note: When switching brushes, wrap the brush with the wet paint on it with a damp paper towel and plastic baggy so that it won’t dry out. Visit www.fusionmineralpaint.com to find these products and discover more inspiration using this exciting new paint.